Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1

Dr. Chris Kerr, (Editor)

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    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1

    Dr. Chris Kerr, (Editor)

    This book covers keys areas of Veterinary Medicine. The contributions by the authors include Cytology, Debride, Defecation, Diuretics, Dyspnoea, Dystocia, Ectoparasites, Endocrine, Endoscopy, Extra-cranial, Faeces, Fibrosis, FLUTD, Flystrike, Gastric, Gestation, Gingivitis, Haematology, Haematuria, Hernia, Hormone, Hypertension, Hypotension, Iatrogenic, Icterus, Immune Mediated, Intestine, Intra-cranial, Intravenous, Jugular, Lactation, Laparotomy, Lateral, Lethargy, Malignant, Mastitis, MucousMembranes, Nasal, Necrosis, Neoplasia, NSAID, Oncology, Oral, Orchitis, Otitis, Ovariohysterectomy, Palliative, Palpation, Paralysis, Parasite, Pathogen, Perineal, Peritoneal, Pinna, Platelets, Polydipsia, Polyphagia, Polyuria, Probiotic, Purulent, Pyometra, Radiograph, Regurgitation, Renal, Respiration, Sclera, Septic, Splenic, Tachycardia, Thorax, Thrombus, Torsion, Toxin, Trachea, Unilateral, Ureter, Urethra, Urination, Uveitis, Vascular, Viscera, Zoonoses.

    Chapters of the book:

    Chapter 1: An investigation of the pathology of Mycoplasma mastitis in the cow
    E.J. van der Molen & G. Grootenhuis
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 5-17

    Chapter 2: Severe extrapyramidal syndrome in a dog caused by a Haloperidol (Serenase®) intoxication
    B. de Leeuw & B. Sangster
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 18-40

    Chapter 3: Diagnosis of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis by direct immunofluorescence
    C. Terpstra
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 41-60

    Chapter 4: Induction of parturition in the sow with a prostaglandin analogue (I.C.I. 80996)
    A.H. Willemse, M.A.M. Taverne, L.J.J.A. Roppe & W.M. Adams
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 61-82

    Chapter 5: Nutritional and metabolic aspects of fatty liver disease in poultry
    C. C. Whitehead
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 83-105

    Chapter 6: Haemadsorption inhibition test for the identification of Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae
    E. Goren
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 106-125

    Chapter 7: Common diseases of pet animals in West Africa
    T.W. Schillhorn van Veen & J. B. Adeyanju
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 126-146

    Chapter 8: Report 1977–1978 concerning Trichinella spiralis studies in the Netherlands
    F. van Knapen & E. J. Ruitenberg
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 147-160

    Chapter 9: Canine viral enteritis: Prevalence of parvo‐, corona‐ and rotavirus infections in dogs in the Netherlands
    A.D.M.E. Osterhaus, G.A. Drost, R.M.S. Wirahadiredja & Th. S. G. A. M. van den Ingh
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 161-185

    Chapter 10: Pasteurella haemolytica infections in sheep
    N. J. L. Gilmour
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 186-203

    Chapter 11: Studies on the mechanism of polyuria induced by cortisol excess in the dog
    J. A. Joles, A. Rijnberk, W. E. van den Brom & J. Dogterom
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 204-221

    Chapter 12: Preliminary clinical pharmacological investigations of tylosin and tiamulin in chickens
    G. Ziv
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 272-297

    Chapter 13: Vaccination of pregnant sows against transmissible gastroenteritis with two attenuated virus strains and different inoculation routes
    M. Th. Voets, M. Pensaert & P. R. Rondhuis
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 298-320

    Chapter 14: A bibliography on ticks and tick‐borne diseases in the countries of the Benelux (1567–1978)
    J. E. M. H. van Bronswijk
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 321-352

    Chapter 15: Horse anti‐bovine lymphocyte serum. Its effect in calves
    W. Rumawas & A. A. Ressang
    Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1, 14 September 2021, Pages: 353-372



    ISBN 13





    Lighthouse Books

    1 review for Current Research in Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1

    1. Lura Blaim

      But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure

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